Do you want to speed up the writing and formatting process? Do you want to take your productivity up a notch? We have it all for you. Today, we are taking an in-depth look at some of the best Microsoft Word keyboard shortcuts that will help you write or edit your next document with ease.
1. Frequently used Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys
The following table contains the list of some of the most frequently and commonly used keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word.
2. Shortcuts for Ribbon Panel
The following shortcuts will help you access different tabs in the ribbon panel like home, insert, layout tab, and more.
3. Shortcuts to Navigate the Document
When writing, there are multiple instances when we navigate between different parts of the document. These shortcuts help us in doing exactly that.
4. Shortcuts for Selecting the Text and Graphics
Now that you know how to navigate the Word document using shortcut keys, let’s take a look at how to select the text or graphic easily using keyboard shortcuts.
5. Shortcuts to Align and Format Paragraphs
The following shortcuts will help you align and format the paragraphs in a document with ease.
6. Shortcuts for Text Formatting
These keyboard shortcuts will help you in formatting text like changing font size and more.
7. Shortcuts for Table Formatting
This list of shortcuts will help you navigate the table and control various elements of the table.
Steps to create custom shortcuts in Microsoft Word
If you want to spell check, highlight the word with the keyboard and press F7. (If you press F7 without selecting the word, the entire document will be spell-checked.) If you want to display the thesaurus, make sure the insertion point is inside the word and press Shift+F7.
Shift + F5 will jump the previous edit you made in MS Word. Press it again to go one more edit back. MS Word remembers the last two edits you made. Ctrl+Shift+F5 will open the Bookmark window so you can edit the bookmarks.