That’s not all, if you are in procession of an HDFC Bank Credit card Flipkart will toss in an additional 10% discount further lowering the effective price to Rs 13,500. Also, one can exchange their old smartphone for the Nextbit Robin. It was only recently that Nextbit has slashed the global price for Robin to $299 but with the ongoing Flipkart Freedom sale, the device is currently retailing much cheaper than in the US. There were reports that Nextbit is struggling to clear the inventory, and hence trying to push Robin as fast as they can before their next smartphone gets launched later this year. At the discounted price, Nextbit Robin is a no-brainer, if you were looking out to buy one this might be the best time. Brushing it up, Robin comes with a closely knit cloud storage system that will offload the less used apps to the cloud. The phone also cleans up the storage all by itself without needing the user to intervene. On a related note, Nextbit is also planning to launch an Ember variant of the Robin and hopefully, we should be able to see it by next month. Unable to decide on the Nextbit Robin? Here, hope our in-depth preview of the Robin will help you make up your mind.

Nextbit Robin Gets a Big Price Cut in India  Now Available for Rs 14 999 - 57Nextbit Robin Gets a Big Price Cut in India  Now Available for Rs 14 999 - 57Nextbit Robin Gets a Big Price Cut in India  Now Available for Rs 14 999 - 74Nextbit Robin Gets a Big Price Cut in India  Now Available for Rs 14 999 - 30Nextbit Robin Gets a Big Price Cut in India  Now Available for Rs 14 999 - 43Nextbit Robin Gets a Big Price Cut in India  Now Available for Rs 14 999 - 26