The Redmi 3S has a metal body and comes equipped with a 5-inch HD display and is powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 430 SoC clocked at 1.1GHz and paired with a 2GB/3GB RAM. The graphics are handled by an Adreno 505 GPU. On the memory front, the Redmi 3S offers either 16GB/32GB Storage depending on the variant. However, the Hybrid microSD card slot common to both the variants can accommodate up to 128GB. Redmi 3S features a 13-Megapixel primary sensor and a 5-Megapixel secondary sensor, both of which are capable of recording video at FHD. Redmi 3S runs on MIUI 7 based on the Android Lollipop and is backed by a humongous 4,100mAh battery pack. Furthermore, the Redmi 3S Prime also features a Fingerprint sensor at the back and comes in a metal body. The connectivity options include 4G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Micro-USB. Both models will be initially available exclusively on and Flipkart, starting with Redmi 3S Prime on 9 August, followed by Redmi 3S a week or two later. The Redmi 3S is definitely a much better bet as opposed to the Redmi 3, thanks to the upgraded hardware and the features. The design lines look much more elegant on the Redmi 3S and with a price of Rs 6,999 for the 16GB ROM/2GB RAM version, and Rs 8,999 for 32GB ROM/3GB RAM version, it is surely expected to heat up the competition. Xiaomi has been trying to regain their lost ground when it comes to the budget Android segment and it is devices like the Redmi 3S which will help them achieve the same.

Xiaomi Redmi 3S Launched in India Starting at Rs 6 999  Features Metal Body and 4100mAh Battery - 65Xiaomi Redmi 3S Launched in India Starting at Rs 6 999  Features Metal Body and 4100mAh Battery - 27Xiaomi Redmi 3S Launched in India Starting at Rs 6 999  Features Metal Body and 4100mAh Battery - 78Xiaomi Redmi 3S Launched in India Starting at Rs 6 999  Features Metal Body and 4100mAh Battery - 76Xiaomi Redmi 3S Launched in India Starting at Rs 6 999  Features Metal Body and 4100mAh Battery - 23Xiaomi Redmi 3S Launched in India Starting at Rs 6 999  Features Metal Body and 4100mAh Battery - 77